Smouha has a discerning taste and living there is preferred by a lot of people, however, there is an immense amount of apartments for rent in Smouha because it is like many vital areas in Cairo.
Here are the reasons why people love to rent a flat in Smouha:
- It has big squares, streets and perfect facilities (water, electricity, and roads)
- It has many markets and malls where you can get all your needs (Zahran Mall, Computer Market, Fathallah Supermarket, Kheir Zaman Supermarket, Metro Supermarket, and Green Plaza.
- There are plenty of schools (Sidi Gaber school, Smouha Language school, Zahran Language school..etc.)
- It is Overlooking Sidi Gaber train station, Al-shadid Village and Nozha Airport
- Many mosques in Smouha like Ali Bin Talib mosque, Hatem mosque and also there is the church of the Virgin Mary and St. Joseph.
- It has luxurious residential compounds (Terrace compound, Pharma city compound and Safwa compound)
- Famous sporting clubs (Gyad club – Smouha club – Olympic Salam village)
- There are many official sites in Smouha (Alexandria Security Directorate - Educational district - the syndicate of dentists - Samouha medical clinics)
- It contains fancy districts like Kafr Abdou